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Two persons who are living through two different stages according to Erikson's theory of development. Interviews included.

Title: Two persons who are living through two different stages according to Erikson's theory of development. Interviews included.
Category: /Social Sciences/Psychology
Details: Words: 1829 | Pages: 7 (approximately 235 words/page)
Two persons who are living through two different stages according to Erikson's theory of development. Interviews included.
In the following paper I intend to analyze two persons who are living through two different stages according to Erikson's theory of development. In order to understand the development of these two individuals, we have to understand their identities and their concerns. The first participant is a Latin woman in her middle ages; her main concern is her family. She lives in the countryside. As she shows in the following interview, she is more satisfied …showed first 75 words of 1829 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 1829 total…it gave me an insight in the way these two people think of their lives. I know for experience how it felt to be in the "competence vs. inferiority" stage. It's a time in which parents and teachers play an important role in building the self esteem of the child who later becomes a teenager. I also felt the way the woman thought about her life because my mother herself is going through that stage.

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