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Theism and Atheism

Title: Theism and Atheism
Category: /Society & Culture/Religion
Details: Words: 577 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
Theism and Atheism
Theism and Atheism In the following paper I will discuss a religious theme. After the making the decision of a theme, I decided that theism and atheism most interested me. I will be discussing the difference between the two and giving some general information about both theism and atheism. Both if these had many highs and low points that I would like to go into some detail. I will discuss theism first. Theism comes from …showed first 75 words of 577 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 577 total…and then they also were along the same line. I found myself thinking about where I would put myself with the two. I figured that I would have to go more along with theism rather than atheism. I do believe that there is a god, and that there may be more than one god. With my experience that I have to this day in religion, that is where I would put myself at this time.

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