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The history, benifits and complications of Mp3s and Piracy.

Title: The history, benifits and complications of Mp3s and Piracy.
Category: /Science & Technology/Computers and Cybernetics
Details: Words: 1722 | Pages: 6 (approximately 235 words/page)
The history, benifits and complications of Mp3s and Piracy.
The trading of MP3's or digital music over the Internet is all ways going to be an important part of the music industry, and is an unrealistic goal to try to control. The cost of controlling the piracy issues over the Internet would cost record companies more money than what they are losing due to MP3 trading. The record industry is trying to fight the major sites and companies in court with copyright suits. …showed first 75 words of 1722 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 1722 total…get any attention. Mainly because of the popularity of Napster and also the time, money and effort that was put into the law suits. Going even further, most people say they use these programs just to test out a song to see if they like it , then go but the CD. If people are just using it to burn CD's, then what's the difference between getting off the Internet than getting it off the radio?

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