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Descartes - Mind and Body.

Title: Descartes - Mind and Body.
Category: /Social Sciences/Philosophy
Details: Words: 2253 | Pages: 8 (approximately 235 words/page)
Descartes - Mind and Body.
Descartes overall objective in the Meditations is to question knowledge. To explore such issues as the existence of God and the separation of mind and body, it was important for him to distinguish what we can know as truth. He believed that reason as opposed to experience was the source for discovering what is of absolute certainty. The first meditation acts as a foundation for all those that follow. Here Descartes discerns between mere opinion …showed first 75 words of 2253 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 2253 total…Where does one begin, and the other end? By using some of Descartes methods I have attempted to see his arguments, and tried to come to my own conclusions. The mere fact that Descartes found so many certainties in the Meditations is surprising. The Meditations have taught me to be open minded, and to acknowledge that sometimes we make mistakes. However, if we take caution and use reason carefully we are capable of finding certainty.

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