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Argumentative Essay- Fast-Food Advertising Deceives Americans to Obesity

Title: Argumentative Essay- Fast-Food Advertising Deceives Americans to Obesity
Category: /Recreation & Sports/Health & Beauty
Details: Words: 916 | Pages: 3 (approximately 235 words/page)
Argumentative Essay- Fast-Food Advertising Deceives Americans to Obesity
Fast-Food Advertising Deceives Americans to Obesity <Tab/>With every precious tick of the clock, an American rushes to perform yet another task in a day with a meager 24 hours. With all the activity encompassed within these hours, many aspects of life are neglected. One of these aspects--the most important and vital one, in fact-- is self-nourishment. One must eat foods that are healthy as well as conducive to optimal bodily function …showed first 75 words of 916 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 916 total…bad faith advertising. Marketing campaigns that reek of dishonesty should be eliminated and any continued deception of this nature should be subjected to either monetary or regulatory punishment. It would be tragic for more people like Gregory Rhymes to suffer as a result of consumers' misplaced trust. Hopefully, with increased health awareness, the popularity of fast-food will slowly fade; Americans will regain their health and reclaim lives crippled by fast-food induced obesity and its complications.

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