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Animal captivity

Title: Animal captivity
Category: /Science & Technology
Details: Words: 1565 | Pages: 6 (approximately 235 words/page)
Animal captivity
Should Animals be Released Back into the Wild or Kept in Captivity? Many people have heard about Keiko, the killer whale, who starred in the movie Free Willy. After seeing the movie, audiences discovered that the friendly whale in the movie was in a tank too small and in bad health because of that and other complications that come with being taken from its natural habitat to a place where it can't meet it's own …showed first 75 words of 1565 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 1565 total…spend on one animal could help many animals just as much. We shouldn't spend so much time worrying about animals already in captivity. This doesn't mean ignore them all together, those in captivity should be taken care of just like any household pet. Teaching an animal to survive on its own won't do any good when a poacher kills the animal. The human problem needs to be taken care of before animals can be helped.

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