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Education in Turkey

Title: Education in Turkey
Category: /Society & Culture/Education
Details: Words: 554 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
Education in Turkey
What changes need to be made to improve the Turkish school system? How would these changes improve the system? It can not be said that the education system in Turkey works well. In order to improve our country, some thoughts must be created to improve the Turkish school system. Many children in Turkey can't have a chance to go to school even though it is an obligation, and also many schools do not have sufficient …showed first 75 words of 554 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 554 total…the school system will have a clear improvement. In conclusion, the school system must be changed. To be in a better country, people must pay enough attention for the education system and the importance of the education must be understood by all the Turkish people. In order to improve the school system in Turkey, education must be in Turkish, there must be an obligation for eleven years education and there mustn't be an university exam.

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